Day 25: Breaking the Curse

‘What possible reason could they have to do this? This was absolutely …absurd!

Berenice was pissed off and rightly so.

‘Did you get found out dear? In the attic? They could’ve heard you, sensed you and moved ….the symbol’ She held my hands. I sensed that Peter would live or die my next few decisions.

‘Right. Guy, what do you have?’ she pointed over to Guy who was sitting researching the symbol. His eyes were tiny from studying the laptop intently.

Guy rubbed his eyes ‘It’s called a Leviathan Cross, It’s a satanic cross. Look at the shape, it’s two crosses and the infinity sign. It’s basically a mockery of the traditional cross.These guys really mean business and they are summoning things that are very very dangerous’

I took a sharp intake of breath. All this from a couple of innocent looking neighbours.

‘It relates to Brimstone and the human soul, hence the ease at which Peter lost control of himself to this monster’ Guy sat twisted round from the screen on his chair.

Berenice thought. She knew the severity of her next decision.


Something was different today. I was able to remain myself in my own body for a while. I cleaned up my house and sat thinking about my future and what I could do.

No voices, no ‘Embrace’ chant. What had changed?

I knew that it would only be a matter of time before I wasn’t myself again. Who knew if I would ever get a moment like this. Should I call Charlie or think of a way to end it all. I was caught half way between love for others and protection for them.

I sent a text to Charlie; If the thing took me and never released me again, I wanted one text, just one moment to let her know it was all true love for me.

Hi Charlie, I am consumed. This thing has taken me from you. I know that a life with you would’ve been the perfect life for me, but it doesn’t seem that we’ll ever find out. Whatever happens, I’ll always love you. Don’t forget me xx

I sat. I didn’t have anything to do. I sat, thinking about my life, about my family, about the day I met Charlie and how it had all been taken away by this thing. I felt angry, really angry. I wanted to be at my wedding day and as I thought about Charlie and my love for her, I felt an anger grow within me that I’d never experienced before.

Soon though, I felt wave after wave of energy overcome me. It had returned and soon, I would fade into nothingness.


‘There are three things to combat at once and any of them could stop us at any …time’ Berenice was making notes for us as she spoke.

‘The neighbours: They are obviously part of some sort of satanic cult, if what guy says is correct. If they continue the ‘Embrace’ chant, we cannot get rid of the monster and regain Peter’.

‘The Symbol: The Symbol is keeping the incantation levels up and adding great power to the spell being cast’.

‘The Demon: It is very strong thanks to both of the above, we’ll need to stop the chant and get rid of the Symbol first, then rid Peter of his terrible host’

‘We’ll need to arm ourselves’ Guy suggested.

‘This needs to be collected together before tonight’ Berenice was a tough old bird when she wanted to be ‘Can we go back to finish this tonight? 10pm I suggest’

We all nodded. I was incredibly afraid. We had failed once before and it was only against the monster, now we’d need to battle on three fronts.

‘We’ll need a black candle, some blessed olive oil and some very special…tricks’

with that Berenice reached down into a suitcase. She lifted the lid, opened a beautiful wooden box and withdrew its contents. It was a necklace with an amulet attached. The amulet was bright orange, it reminded me of the sun.

‘Take this Charlie, it’ll protect you against the chanting’

Berenice slipped the chain over my head. My phone vibrated in my pocket, who could that be?

‘and I’ll need to try my exorcism again on Peter’

With heavy hearts and frail nerves, we disbanded. I had a list of tasks, as did Guy. We’d meet again at 10.30 and take on the unholy trinity. Only one side would survive.


The time is nearly ours. We’ll become one forever and paradise awaits

The voice sounded happy, excited almost. What was awaiting me and where? It couldn’t be good, I didn’t have much time left.

I felt angry, overcome with rage and fear within my own body. I let out an enormous exclamation of anger.

My body stumbled, tripped over its own feet, then regained its composure. Had I just got its attention?


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